Github Dashboard

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to avoid GitHub rate-limiting and having access to your repositories!

What is it?

This website renders a GitHub repository's Feature Branches with their state and linking to each deployment.

Btw. It is also a demo and playground to experiment with React Suspend possibilities: especially (using RFC 220): latest React and React Server Components and Next.js App Router.

Choose one of these different variants of data loading:

  1. GraphQL + Relay GraphQL + Relay - Using user's GH auth token! Fetches all information from the running relay server
  2. Next based modern Next.js app: GH-Rate-limited, partially SSR, fails on authentication
  3. Old way GH-Rate-limited for comparison only old-style! Fetching all data in a top-level useEffect() + props-drilling

Here you can find the storybook

Tech stack

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